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Sharon White
joined: 19/05/12 03:09:39

Sharon WhiteI am Sharon White, who grew up at Kogarah Bay as a child. My family moved to Dee Why when I was about 18, there I lived, met the love of my life and had a child. Where we brought our beautiful son Joshua up, we lived 5 minutes from the beach. Josh my son lived on the beach. Andy Josh's father unfortunately died when josh was only 5 years old. I would take my guitar down to the beach and sit in the sun and write my own songs.

When Josh was old enough I wanted to play live, so I went and watched other people playing live and asked them HOW DO I GET STARTED? I learned from other people. I bought my own PA and bought a lot of backing tracks. I locked myself away from the world for about 9 months, and I leant every cover song that was popular to man. In 1999 I recorded a demo, then I walked and drove around and took my demo to every hotel I could until I got a gig. I was on my way. My first gig was at the Reversby Hotel, I lugged the gear by myself, set up by myself and played by myself. I was terrified but I did it and I was proud of myself I got paid and I went home a happy lady.

I played solo until 2001 when I was approached by Warren and Sphere Entertainment, while I was playing at the Croyden Park Hotel; Warren needed a female singer for his duo ROCK STEADY so I played with Warren then under a contract for 1 year.

CoverNoteI decided after that if you do play music you can make money out of playing covers, so I put an add in the paper for a guitar player to form my own duo which was called COVERNOTE. Steve Griffin and I performed in Covernote all around Australia for 7 years. In 2003 Steve and I got a gig playing on a cruise ship P&O cruises for 3 months that was an experience and a half. We had to get off half way through, my mother was dying, she didn’t have long to live so we ended that a bit short. My mother died in 2005 and lived with me until she died.

While I was earning money out of covers, I was still writing my own songs. Steve and I recorded a CD of 7 of the songs I had written from 2004 up to 2007, which during this period of time I started to corporate into live performances. I slowly had started to play more and more originals as I went on.

Steve’s mother was ill and she lived in Adelaide. Steve had to go home for a while, so I needed help in the duo, this was in 2004. I had heaps of gigs booked so I played in the duo with my brother Brad White for a while and he helped me out while I was looking for someone. Brad didn’t like playing covers he thought it was a waste of time. Brad left Covernote, he said to me “Sharon I can’t concentrate on my originals while I am doing this, you need to find someone so I can go back to doing what I love” my brother Brad died in November that year which killed me, he was not only a grand musician he was my friend. I actually wrote a few songs for him, one on my website NEVER LET YOU GO. Then along came Jim Gannon. Jim had played with Sherbert for a while and he learn’t off me how to do what I was doing and formed his own Duo, so back to the drawing board for Sharon.

Chris turner from Buffalo played with me for about 6 months, then I played a few gigs with Jed Cannon an excellent guitar player. I played with Phil Knight another excellent guitar player and also with Ray Falzon an exceptional human being. John Marsters who I met busking, then came along. Ben what a showman and Guitar player. We worked together for about 8 months and wrote a lot of originals together. We competed in a few original band competitions together with his brother Timmy who is so young but a great drummer and Hal who is a talented bass player and a really nice guy. The best gig we did was at the Metropol in George St Sydney, we were competing with 9 other bands to get to Germany and play live in front of 20,000 people we were in the running, however we didn’t get in which was heart breaking, but a wonderful experience.

Sharon WhiteBy this stage I had enough of trying to find the right person for me, now we are up to 2010. I was in a very bad car accident which was not my fault. I was crushed between two cars helping a next door neighbor jump start her car. She ran into to me, so now I have a walking stick and no longer can jump around on a stage and be the person I was. I picked up my guitar and kept on writing while I couldn’t even get off the lounge. I came across a producer Graeme Venables who lives around the corner from me and we spent 6 months recording in his studio all the new the songs that are on my website today. I never had money to pay him; he believed in me that much he has recorded with me and helped me get on my way without payment. We are currently working on all the new songs I have written since 2011, which is probably around 20 plus and always coming up with more, persistence, termination and drive that is what gets you there, I am now recording and playing my originals live, Graeme and I both believe and we are writing together. I started out playing covers but now I play my own songs so if you have a dream I say follow it, it may get tough but if you don’t hang in there it will never happen.

If you say dreams can’t come true they can if you follow your heart and believe. I am now looking for a publisher to help shop my songs, with all I have been through I would have never thought I would see this day come.

AUSTRALIA-Oceania: Australia: New South Wales

artists located in AUSTRALIA-Oceania: Australia: New South Wales
artist genre

artists that sound like "Country"
artist influences
John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Elton John, Billy Joel, James Taylor, Julian Lennon

Sharon White
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