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Raff began his music career as lead singer of Zygonat age fourteen. The band consisted of four young and hungry boys that loved covering Pink Floyd, ACDC, The Easy Beats and anything else that rocked out at school dances, fetes and yes - Rock Masses. The boys set about honing their style with consistent and diligent rehearsals.

When they reached age eighteen the band split and re-built into The Units. This band played a mix of pop and grunge original music. Their songs spoke of love, ambition and politics. They soon began gigging regularly at local bars and clubs and were beginning to make a name for themselves. When, as often happens, players started to come and go. First a drummer left then a bass player. The band stumbled and broke apart never having recorded an album. A couple of the members, Raff included, formed a cover band and managed to play on a weekly basis drawing 100 to 200 punters to their gigs. But that didn't last either.

"I like to sing about the battle of fear versus love. Or, if you like, the ego versus the soul. Something happened at around age 26. I'd been singing in bands from the age of fourteen and performing regularly at local hotels in Victoria doing what I loved. When all of a sudden I got scared it was leading no-where. Scared I wouldn't be able to support my family. So I took the more standard road and I got responsible. And lived a miserable life doing jobs I wasn't passionate about for the next decade. Now, after teaching myself guitar, I'm back writing, performing and smiling more. And will probably do so til I die. (Here's hoping that's a ways off)." Raff October 2008.

Raff has since worked on honing his song writing skills and is currently producing his first full studio album. It is due out in September 09

AUSTRALIA-Oceania: Australia: Victoria

artists located in AUSTRALIA-Oceania: Australia: Victoria
artist genre

artists that sound like "Acapella"
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